The Past...
In the early 80’s God was moving in the heart of a man from Grants Pass, Oregon [Bob Simonson] to visit and minister to orphans in Baja Mexico. As he was making multiple trips and visiting various orphanages he was seeing a specific need for an orphanage dedicated to the care of disabled orphans.
About the Spring of 1986, working with a local pastor [Pastor Miguel Rivera] Bob and with the assistance of other ministries began to build and develop a plot of land that was chosen for this new orphanage in a small agricultural village.
By 1989, they took on a few children to care for as their means allowed, but it became clear to them that the task at hand was greater than what they could carry alone. So, in 1990 Bob approached a church, Applegate Christian Fellowship (ACF) which became the primary provider and administrator of what came to be known as “The Mission”.
God has used the ACF church and the Rivera family to help make The Mission what it is today. A place to "Visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted from the world" James 1:27. Thousands have come through the Mission doors, whether from teams, as staff, schools of discipleship, pastoral training schools, etc... Many lives have been impacted by The Mission and have been changed through this amazing place and the incredible kids that call it home.
The Mission has been uniquely provided for and overseen by the ACF church family. They faithfully served the Lord in this calling for some 25 years. There are regulations in Mexico regarding who can oversee Mexican orphanages, these regulations are now being enforced, that American organizations legally can not direct Mexican orphanages. Due to this, Miguel Rivera jr. (in place of his father) is now practically leading as The Mission Director. Miguel has grown up at The Mission, working with his father (Pastor Miguel Rivera Senior) who previously lead as The Mexican Mission Director (along side of many ACF American Directors). ACF felt that the Lord called them to lead the Mission and provide financially for it, not one or the other. Since ACF can no longer be leading/directing The Mission, they feel that the Lord is closing this door and will no longer be financially provide for it. Therefore, they are turning it over to the ONE27 Foundation.
Partnering with Miguel and the Mission Team, ONE27 is a new U.S. based non-profit that will be a funnel to provide stateside administration and financial support for The Mission. This is a new, exciting, and faith building season for The Mission and ONE27! We look forward to working together with many churches, groups, and individuals missionally and financially. Our desire is to bring the highest level of care and love to these incredible kids. We also desire to see many more come through the Mission doors and to see how their lives are impacted by these awesome kids.
We are loving what God is doing... He is working all things together for the good! He is taking us "from Strength to strength"! We look forward to see what Jesus desires to do in and through this place and seeing Christ love poured out on these disabled orphans of Mexico and being a part of fulfilling the vision that began some 30 years ago!