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Ongoing Projects
Clean kitchen; stove, under grill, hood, roof vent, pantry, fridges, freezers, window sills, fans, ect.
Clean cocina (dining hall); windows, fans, light fixtures, tables, chairs, sweep & mop, root cellar, ect.
Detail wheelchairs
Clear fire line
Clean behind cocina
Trim palm branches
Trim dead or dangerous branches (experienced personnel only)
Mow girls lawn
Raking and sweeping
Collect and put away tools, dishes, trash, ect.
Clean gutters
Clean screens
Clean light fixtures
Clean vehicles
We would ask as part of your trip to The Mission that you would look over our projects list and see if any of them are something your team might be able to help us accomplish.
Therapy Center
We desire to provide the kids a Therapy Center. To give them sensory toys, massage and stretch area, swings, ball pits, Fiber-optic lights, changing colors water tubes... If you have a passion to see this happen, please get in touch!
Special (one-time) Projects
Septic pump and auto shut off*
Vehicle repairs*
Painting exterior and interior of multiple buildings*
Finish amphitheater lighting (electrician needed)
Buy and install new water pressure*
Buy and install new water heaters*
Putting roof on house on the hill
Retaining walls for playground and weight room
Various drip line repairs
Resurface the girls house shower*
Instal sink for Karina*
Repair gutters*
Repair windows and screens*
Reinforce Tree house*
Repair cracks in the flooring of the cocina and boys house*
Insulate water heater pipes
Finish fences around propane tanks
Concret dip in driveway*
Rebuild and redesign pool and gate*
Build porches over the front doors of family houses*
Build customized desk and shelving for office*
Those in RED are of higher priority
*Asterisks* are still in need of funding
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