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James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

My family (husband Miguel, my son´s Azaff y Abdiel, my sister Conchita and I) live at the Mission in Carmen Serdan, Baja California, Mexico.  The Mission is an orphanage for 15 mentally and/or physically disabled orphans, children and adults.  Every day we provide for their basic needs.  We bathe them, feed them, change diapers, provide medicine, and make sure that they feel comfortable and loved always.  These orphans suffer from a range of physical and mental disabilities including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, Down syndrome and other forms of autism.  Many of the orphans cannot speak, see, or walk on their own.  Our ministry is to care for these beautiful people who are not able to care for themselves. 

It all started with my sister, Conchita, who at the age of 4 suffered from meningitis, and was blind, deaf, mute, and was non responsive for almost a year, and was fed through the nose with a feeding tube. We had little hope and the only thing we could do was to care for her in her current state. We sat on her bed, crying and prayed for her and hours later my sister was sitting in bed looking at us asking for food, walking, and talking, it was a miracle! Years later my mom worked as a Cook at an orphanage, there she met Jesus and we knew that he was the one who healed my sister. When I was 9 years old my mother died and Conchita and I grew up in the orphanage that our mom was working at. This was hard for us both, but it was all part of Gods plan for our lives.

The first time I visited the mission, was when I was 19 years old. I went to visit a friend who worked there. When I walked in and looked at these children, it was in shock for a few minutes. It broke my heart that these kids did not have a mother to care for them and love them like my sister did. I knew I had to do something, so I would visit whenever I could. Eventually I married Miguel Rivera Jr. whose dad Miguel Rivera Senior was the Pastor and Director of the Mission.

In 2010 Miguel and I felt the call from God to serve full time these precious children at the Mission. This place has changed our lives forever! These children; Juan Carlos, Eddy Angelito, Panchito, Lupe, Laura, Anna, Karina, Ema, Lucy, Nilse, Sela, Mariposa, Gena, Magali, have a huge purpose in the Kingdom of God. Through these kids God speaks to us, blesses us, we feel His embrace through them. They are the reason why we are here, why we do what we do. Our desire to is bless their lives as much as their lives have blessed us. Is all you have to do is just spend a day with them to realize what I mean. God brought us to this place with a purpose, it is our desire that fulfill all He has called us here to do.

In January of 2016, the funding we have been receiving for the past years stopped and now is the time for us to start knocking on doors.  We know that He has not brought us here to abandon us.  He has always and will always provide for us.  We know that the Lord is faithful.  We desire to continue our ministry at the Mission.  We know that this season is a season of change and growth and strengthened faith.

Your prayers and support during this time bless us immensely.  We hope our testimony is an encouragement to all.  

Thank you and God Bless

The Rivera Family


Click here to donate to The Rivera Family

ONE27 Foundation #417 

1750 Delta Waters Rd. Ste 102

Medford, OR 97504

ONE27 Foundation

Corporation #3779743

EIN # 47-3993026


Video Credits: Dylan Bates

© 2015  ONE27 Foundation

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