Good morning family! Today we woke up and discovered that thanks to your donations and people that deposit their financial promises to us, we have not only reached but surpassed our goal of 9,000 dlls!!!!
Yesterday afternoon we only had 5,084 dlls, we knew that there were financial promises made to us and that God was in control, so we made the decision to go forward with the process knowing this.
This morning we saw a miracle!!! We have in our bank account deposit of the people how promise to do so and deposist of people that we dont know or never talk to us about it but they just went and deposit, because of that, we exited our goal!!! This is the best example for me of walking in faith taking a step forward and witness the power of God moving and opening doors. Thank you for letting yourself be used by the Lord to bless us and letting us fell your love and just as Azaff said "God will give you even more than what you gave us". We have a loving Father and he demonstrates that day after day. We will use all the money donated for Azaff's surgery and following treatments and medications needed for his recovery. So everything is going according to the plan: Today: pre operation lab work to make sure everything is in order to go ahead with the surgery. Tomorrow: Pediatrician doctor appointment, she will be following closely the evolution of Azaff after surgery, Monday: the rent of all the especial equipment, anesthesiologists, and the crew that going to be there with the neurosurgeon. Tuesday: if everything goes as planned, surgery will be happening in this day. If anyone how has donated want to know the total amount that was given we will gladly share that information in a private conversation. We will keep you all informed, please keep us in your prayers. Thank you again for your prayers and generosity, may Good richly Bless you. The Rivera family.